Effect of a neuropsychological rehabilitation program focused on executive functions in a case of multiple sclerosis





executive functions, multiple sclerosis, neurology, neuropsychology, neuropsychological rehabilitation


Multiple sclerosis is a demyelinating, inflammatory, neurodegenerative and autoimmune disease and as a consequence it can have neuropsychological alterations. The aim of this study was to establish the effect of a neuropsychological rehabilitation program, focused on executive functions, in a case with this pathology. For this, an experimental, non-A-B reversal single case design was proposed in a 69-year-old woman with 23 years of relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis, functional status EDSS of 1 and mild neurocognitive disorder of the dysexecutive type. The rehabilitation plan had 12 sessions with a weekly frequency, 3 baseline measurements, and 4 measurements during the intervention process with the dysexective questionnaire (DEX-Sp). The results of the baseline, showed that the patient had a significant and stable dysexective disorder. In the intervention process, a progressive improvement of dysexective symptoms was observed, that is, there was a pattern of temporal change that impacted both her cognitive functioning and her daily activities. In the last measurement, a score in the lower limit of the normality range was obtained, which shows a cognitive improvement related to the patient neuropsychological rehabilitation program conducted.


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Author Biographies

Claudia Rocío López Gutiérrez, Universidad de San Buenaventura

Magíster en Neuropsicología. Docente Universidad de San Buenaventura, Colombia. 

Margarita María Castrillón Taba, Universidad San Buenaventura - Instituto Neurológico de Colombia

Magister en Neuropsiología.  Instituto Neurológico de Colombia (INDEC). Docente Universidad de San Buenaventura, Colombia.

Juan Pablo Lopera Vásquez, Universidad San Buenaventura - Instituto Neurológico de Colombia

Doctor en Salud Pública. Instituto Neurológico de Colombia (INDEC). Docente Universidad de San Buenaventura, Colombia. 


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How to Cite

López Gutiérrez, C. R., Castrillón Taba, M. M., & Lopera Vásquez, J. P. (2022). Effect of a neuropsychological rehabilitation program focused on executive functions in a case of multiple sclerosis. CES Psicología, 15(3), 97–114. https://doi.org/10.21615/cesp.6104



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