Positive mental health: between well-being and capacity development





wellbeing, psychological wellbeing, mental health, health promotion, positive psychology


The efforts of the World Health Organization to transcend biomedical and behavioral explanations of health have highlighted well-being as a key element in this task. The inclusion of well-being concept in mental health definitions has caused, on many occasions, the use of both concepts as synonyms, however, well-being cannot hardly define by its own a person’s mental health. This article aims to introduce the concept of capacity from the field of human development as a response to the limitations presented by well-being models and the contributions that their implementation would have in the construction of a definition for mental health from the socioeconomic approach and consolidate a strategy to promote mental health.


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Author Biographies

Cristobal Ovidio Muñóz Arroyave, Universidad CES

PhD. Epidemiología y Bioestadística. Docente Investigador Escuela de Graduados. Universidad CES. Medellín. Colombia. 

Doris Cardona Arango, Universidad CES

PhD. Demografía. Docente Investigador Facultad de Medicina. Universidad CES. 

Diego Alveiro Restrepo-Ochoa, Universidad CES

PhD. Salud Pública. Director Académico. Universidad CES. 

Ana Carolina Calvo, Universidad CES

Psicóloga. Universidad CES. 


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How to Cite

Muñóz Arroyave, C. O., Cardona Arango, D., Restrepo-Ochoa, D. A., & Calvo, A. C. (2022). Positive mental health: between well-being and capacity development. CES Psicología, 15(2), 151–168. https://doi.org/10.21615/cesp.5275



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