Burnout Syndrome and Perceived Quality of Professional Life related to Personality Styles in Primary School Teachers


  • Jorge Alejandro Salgado Roa Universidad de Atacama
  • Francisco José Leria Dulcic Universidad de Atacama




Burnout Syndrome, Torgensen Personality Types, Quality of Work Life, Stress, Teachers


The main goal of the present study is to analyze the burnout syndrome levels (SB) and the perception of the professional quality of life (CVP) according to the typology and/or personality styles of Torgensen (1995) and some sociodemographic and socio-occupational   variables. 212 primary school teachers participated. An associative strategy of transversal comparative type was used administering the Inventory of the Five Factors (NEO-FFI), the Questionnaire of Being Burned for Work (CESQT) and the Professional Life Questionnaire (CVP-35). It is concluded that the personality style is related to SB, being the teachers with Insecure Type personality, who score higher in the scales of Indolence and Guilt; and the Entrepreneurial Type who has the highest score in the motivation for Work scale and lowest in the Indolence scale. Regarding genders, men present higher scores in Indolence and Guilt, while women obtain higher scores in motivation for work.


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How to Cite

Salgado Roa, J. A., & Leria Dulcic, F. J. (2017). Burnout Syndrome and Perceived Quality of Professional Life related to Personality Styles in Primary School Teachers. CES Psicología, 11(1), 69–89. https://doi.org/10.21615/cesp.11.1.6
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