Physical activity and exercise in COVID-19 times Andrés Felipe


  • Andrés Felipe Villaquiran Hurtado Universidad del Cauca
  • Omar Andres Ramos Universidad del Cauca
  • Sandra Jimena Jácome Universidad del Cauca
  • Maria del Mar Meza Cabrera Universidad del Cauca



Exercise, Pandemics, Quarantine, Immune system, COVID-19


The global situation generated by the current COVID-19 pandemic has proposed several strategies to mitigate the impact of this disease. Within the provisions established by the WHO, confinement and social distancing have been implemented, generating an abrupt change in people’s daily habits and routines, and impacting their physical activity, exercise and sport. This measure of restriction increases exposure to sedentarism, a condition that initiates or deteriorates a previous chronic non-communicable disease and increases the risk of mortality. Exercise should be a strategy to be taken into account during quarantine, in order to protect the physical and mental health of people, maintain a healthy physical condition and a good athletic performance, thus complying with the principles and methodological guidelines of exercise and training prescription. The objective of this review is to establish the importance of physical activity and exercise for health care and fitness maintenance in times of COVID-19 confinement.


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How to Cite

Villaquiran Hurtado, A. F., Ramos, O. A., Jácome, S. J., & Meza Cabrera, M. del M. (2020). Physical activity and exercise in COVID-19 times Andrés Felipe. CES Medicina, 34, 51–58.
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