Humanization of care in hospitalized and isolated patients by sars-cov-2: a theoretical perspective


  • Andrea Díaz Ospina Universidad CES
  • Andrea Carolina Zapata Castrillón Universidad CES
  • Isabel Cristina Cespedes Sanchez Universidad CES
  • Leam Gilanny Argaez Morales Universidad CES
  • Sebastián Restrepo Quintero Universidad CES
  • Martha Cecilia Torres Panesso Universidad CES



humanization, nursing care, interventions, SARS-CoV-2


The pandemic generated by SARS-CoV-2 made great changes in humanity, causing hospitals the need to establish strict protocols to reduce the probability of contagion and help positive patients, making the interventions of health personnel, especially nursing professionals, need to be appropriate to the situation to favor the humanization of care in patients who were isolated in the hospital environment. Objective: to identify the nursing interventions that, during thepandemic favored the humanization of care in hospitalized patients isolated by SARS-CoV-2 from the documentary review. Methodology: the approach was a qualitative documentary, contemplating two phases, descriptive and interpretive, selecting the PubMed, Scopus, Scielo, ClinicalKey, Lilacs databases, and the Google Scholar search engine. The search syntax was performed with Desc and Mesh terms. The quality of the articles was based on analytical reading with the SRQR tools for qualitative studies and the STROBE guide for observational and mixed-focus studies. Results: the interventions are mainly based on basic care, procedural activities, patient care education, care management, and health education for nursing staff, in line with aspects of humanization raised by Jean Watson's theory. Conclusions: in times of pandemic, patient care must be sought, maintained, and promoted through humanized care interventions, providing physical and psychological care from the nursing staff to patients and their families.


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Author Biographies

Andrea Díaz Ospina, Universidad CES

Estudiante de enfermería. Universidad CES.

Andrea Carolina Zapata Castrillón, Universidad CES

Estudiante de enfermería. Universidad CES.

Isabel Cristina Cespedes Sanchez, Universidad CES

Estudiante de enfermería. Universidad CES.

Leam Gilanny Argaez Morales, Universidad CES

Estudiante de enfermería. Universidad CES.

Sebastián Restrepo Quintero, Universidad CES

Estudiante de enfermería. Universidad CES.

Martha Cecilia Torres Panesso, Universidad CES

Enfermera. Especialista en Gestión Educativa, Magíster en Enfermería. Docente, Universidad CES.


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How to Cite

Díaz Ospina A, Zapata Castrillón AC, Cespedes Sanchez IC, Argaez Morales LG, Restrepo Quintero S, Torres Panesso MC. Humanization of care in hospitalized and isolated patients by sars-cov-2: a theoretical perspective. CES Enf [Internet]. 2023 Jul. 14 [cited 2024 Jun. 2];4(1):17-30. Available from:



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