Exploration of the Dimensionality and Psychometric Properties of the Emotional Intelligence Scale -EIS-





Emotional Intelligence, Emotional Intelligence Measure, Affective Well-Being, Social Skills, Emotional Intelligence Scale


This work has as a purpose to adjust the Emotional Intelligence Scale -EIS- of Schutte et al. (1998), the internal consistency and the factorial structure were investigated, comparing three measurement models, from a Spanish version, in a sample of 1153 people (48.83% men; M age = 29.32 years). The study comprises two phases: 1) the EIS English version was translated into Spanish also, its internal consistency, factorial structure and convergent validity were evaluated; and 2) the Confirmatory Factorial Analysis of the questionnaire was carried out. The results support the internal consistency of the measure and point to a structure of six factors of emotional intelligence: Appraisal of own emotions; Appraisal of others emotions; Regulation of own emotions; Expressed emotion; Regulation of others emotions; Emotions in problem solving. The Exploratory Factor Analysis clearly showed that the factors of the EIS show an accumulated variance of 59.831%, presenting its capability to explain the variation of emotional intelligence. On the other hand, Confirmatory Factor Analysis validates the adequacy of the model consisted of six identified factors and 33 items.  Due to its facility to be understood and completed, the EIS is considered a useful instrument for emotional intelligence evaluation in the Spanish speaking population.


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How to Cite

Salavera, C., & Usán Supervía, P. (2019). Exploration of the Dimensionality and Psychometric Properties of the Emotional Intelligence Scale -EIS-. CES Psicología, 12(3), 50–66. https://doi.org/10.21615/cesp.12.3.4
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