Adaptation and evaluation of the psychometric properties of brief-p in colombian preschoolers


  • Maritza Alexandra Rincón Díaz Universidad de San Buenaventura
  • César Armando Rey Anacona Universidad de San Buenaventura



Executive Functions, Evaluation, Preschool, BRIEF-P, Test Validity, Test Reliability


Executive functions are a series of processes that coordinate other cognitive functions, emotional and behavioral responses, especially to novel problems. Its evaluation is important in the preschool years in order to prevent learning and behavior problems. In this study, we adapted the Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function - Preschool Version (BRIEF-P), and we evaluated its psychometric properties with a sample of 125 Colombian children between 2 and 4 years eleven months old, implementing several tests of reliability and validity. We found high rates of test-retest reliability and internal consistency in the overall composite score, the three indices and the five scales of the instrument, and a structure of correlations between the scales above .50. Five factors accounted for 100% of the variance and the BRIEF-P scales correlated significantly with the score obtained in performance tests designed for evaluate executive functions in preschoolers. These data indicate that the instrument has adequate psychometric properties, although a study of normalization it is recommended.


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How to Cite

Rincón Díaz, M. A., & Rey Anacona, C. A. (2017). Adaptation and evaluation of the psychometric properties of brief-p in colombian preschoolers. CES Psicología, 10(1), 48–62.
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