Periductal mastitis and sub-areolar abscess of the breast




Mastitis, Infection, Abscess, Breast, Periductal mastitis


Mastitis is defined as inflammation of the breast associated or not with infection. Lactational mastitis is the most common inflammatory disease of the breast; however, inflammatory processes not associated with lactation, clinically similar and sometimes indistinguishable, but with a chronic and recurrent evolution, with subareolar abscess formation, should not be forgotten. Polymicrobial bacterial infection is frequently found, strongly associated with smoking. Delay in diagnosis can lead to damage to the function or structure of the breast and permanent sequelae. The clinical similarity with locally advanced cancer and inflammatory carcinoma of the breast makes it necessary to exclude them. Definitive treatment requires drainage and surgical resection of the fistula to reduce the risk of recurrence. This review presents the most relevant and updated aspects of the disease to provide elements for its diagnostic and therapeutic approach.


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Author Biography

Óscar Alejandro Bonilla Sepulveda, Universidad Remington

Especialista en Ginecología y Obstetricia. Superespecialidad en Mastología


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How to Cite

Bonilla Sepulveda, Óscar A. (2021). Periductal mastitis and sub-areolar abscess of the breast. CES Medicina, 35(2), 98–112.



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