COVID-19 and Diabetes. Challenges, Implications and treatment during the pandemic


  • José Luis Torres-Grajales Clínica Las Américas - Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana
  • Natalia Aristizábal-Henao Clínica Las Américas
  • Daniel González-Hurtado Universidad CES
  • Carolina Aguilar-Londoño Clínica Las Américas
  • Víctor M. Blanco Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana.



SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19, Diabetes


Since the end of the year 2019 a new  coronavirus called Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV-2) has spread from China to the rest of the world, causing the pandemic of the disease called COVID-19. A systemic disease that in some cases produces severe pneumonia that can even progress to acute respiratory failure and eventually death. Among the comorbidities that have been associated with an increase in mortality from SARS-CoV-2, diabetes is one of them. In general, it is estimated
that having diabetes increases the risk of respiratory infections by 18 %, in part, due to the impact on innate and acquired immunity, which would be
contributing to a more severe clinical presentation of SARS-CoV-2 when compared with population without diabetes. Considering that there is an association between worse glycemic control and higher clinical severity of COVID-19 infection, important  considerations must be made regarding the type of pharmacological management that is provided to patients, the profiling will depend on the conditions of each patient, the severity of the disease, and the type of management either as outpatient or in-hospital.


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How to Cite

Torres-Grajales, J. L., Aristizábal-Henao, N., González-Hurtado, D., Aguilar-Londoño, C., & Blanco, V. M. (2020). COVID-19 and Diabetes. Challenges, Implications and treatment during the pandemic. CES Medicina, 34, 95–103.
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