What I want to know: meaning of the family member in nursing-patient interaction during hospitalization


  • Daniel González
  • Alex Mauricio Lopera Arango
  • Diana Patricia Montoya Tamayo
  • Fredy Duván Tamayo Botero
  • Indira Islem Tejada Pérez


interpersonal relationships, nurse, nursing care, family, information


This article presents the results of an investigation that aimed to understand the meaning that relatives give to the interaction with the nurse during the hospitalization process. Using qualitative methodology with an ethnographic approach and it was carried out for 18 months. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with ten relatives of patients who were hospitalized for any reason and in any service. The results showed that, in this interaction, the family seeks information to know the patient's condition, request nursing interventions or carry out care informally, through four ways: observation of the environment, inquiry to the nursing staff, explanations offered by the professionals to relatives and guidance of other people. The information obtained through these strategies may be incoherent, generating feelings of mistrust, anguish or disgust in family members. It was concluded that, during hospitalization, the family member seeks to know about the patient in order to know his evolution and to learn to take care of him, through interaction with the nursing staff; However, he finds that the nurse is alien, therefore, the information must be requested from other people, such as nursing assistants, doctors, specialists and support personnel.


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How to Cite

González D, Lopera Arango AM, Montoya Tamayo DP, Tamayo Botero FD, Tejada Pérez II. What I want to know: meaning of the family member in nursing-patient interaction during hospitalization. CES Enf [Internet]. 2020 Oct. 22 [cited 2024 Jun. 1];1(1). Available from: https://revistas.ces.edu.co/index.php/enfermeria/article/view/5916



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