Positive school climate from the conceptual framework of Developmental and Educational Psychology





positive school climate, violence prevention, personal potential, prosocial behavior, bullying, cyberbullying


Fostering a positive school climate is a crucial task of the 21st century schools which, besides teaching academic skills, need to prepare for life and prevent violence. Although the importance of a positive school climate is broadly recognized, and there are numerous programs for its promotion, it is still necessary to increase knowledge on the psychological bases for educational practice in relation to a positive school climate. This article provides a theoretical basis to understand the concept and a model of a positive school climate based on developmental and educational Psychology. In this model, school climate is a combination of personal and contextual factors that make it possible to prevent violence and promote citizenship and peace. A literature review focused on different components of a positive school climate and their normative development in students is presented together with suggestions for its promotion. A school climate is conceptualized from a positive perspective based on the promotion of prosocial behaviour.


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Author Biography

Izabela Zych, Universidad de Córdoba

Doctora en Psicología. Docente Universidad de Córdoba, España.


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How to Cite

Zych, I. (2022). Positive school climate from the conceptual framework of Developmental and Educational Psychology. CES Psicología, 15(3), 202–224. https://doi.org/10.21615/cesp.5465



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