Attitudes Towards Research Scale (ATRS): Evaluation of its Psychometric Properties in a Colombian Sample




Attitudes, Research, Reliability, Validity, University Students


The purpose of this study was to examine the psychometric properties of the Escala de Actitudes Hacia la Investigación (Attitudes Towards Research Scale) in a sample of Colombian students, teachers and managers, which resulted in a revised version of the scale (EACIN-R). The sample consisted of 427 persons (261 women and 166 men), aged between 15 and 65 (X=25.79 years, DX=8.46 years). The instrument was validated previously in its content by eight judges (α=.85). Horn's parallel analysis was used to identify three factors which included 28 items grouped in the following subscales according to the content of their items: (a) disinterest in research (α=.87); (b) vocation for research (α=.87), and (c) research valuation (α=.77). Total alpha was .87, which shows a good level of internal consistency. It is suggested further study about the psychometric properties of the instrument, particularly its stability and criterion validity, in order to obtain subsequently normalized scores having account variables as sex, age and education level.


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How to Cite

Aldana de Becerra, G. M., Babativa Novoa, D. A., Caraballo Martínez, G. J., & Rey Anacona, C. A. (2019). Attitudes Towards Research Scale (ATRS): Evaluation of its Psychometric Properties in a Colombian Sample. CES Psicología, 13(1), 89–103.



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