Systematic review about ASSIST (Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test) in Colombian populations


  • Marie Claire Berrouet-Mejía Universidad CES
  • Jaiberth Antonio Cardona-Arias Universidad de Antioquia



Psychoactive Agents, Substance abuse, Drugs, ASSIST, Colombia, Screening


Introduction: Drug use in Colombia has increased and its screening is low. The World Health Organization designed the ASSIST (Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test) to screen the prevalence and risk of consumption. The objective was to describe the uses of ASSIST in Colombia and the consumption profile of the populations studied with this scale. Methods: A systematic review in Medline-Pubmed, Science-Direct, Scielo and Google-Scholar. The completeness, reproducibility and quality assessment were guaranteed. Qualitative synthesis was performed using proportions. Results: Nine studies with 4736 subjects were included. The highest proportion of subjects had low risk consumption; in students it was 16.1 % for tobacco, 18.9 % alcohol and 17.9 % cannabis; among social leaders it was 100% in tobacco and cannabis, and 80 % for alcohol; in displaced persons it was 35.8 % for alcohol and 6.6 % cannabis; and in pregnant women it was 58.4 % tobacco and 58.4 % alcohol. The factors asso ciated with consumption were forced displacement, sexual violence, age, schooling, depression, social status and low social or family support. Conclusion: A low proportion of research was found with ASSIST. This demonstrates the need to improve the screening of drug use in the country, since an early detection of consumption is key to articulate clinical, epidemiological and public health policy actions.


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How to Cite

Berrouet-Mejía, M. C., & Cardona-Arias, J. A. (2020). Systematic review about ASSIST (Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test) in Colombian populations. CES Medicina, 34(2), 114–125.



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