Life and Health during the Pandemic: Experiences of Trainee Public Health Professionals with Clinical Activities, Medellin, Colombia, 2021




experiences life, workers, health, mental health, pandemic, health personnel, Covid-19


Introduction: although healthcare personnel in Colombia have experienced changes in their living and health conditions in times of pandemic, the information generated from their own point of view is scarce. Objective: explore in a group of public health professionals in training, who are in care activity, their personal, family and work experiences in times of pandemic. Medellín-Colombia 2021. Methodology: qualitative exploratory study, with a cohort of health professionals in training. Data taken through the Focus Group, after obtaining consent. Analysis; textual transcription, open and axial coding, texts presented in prose. Study approved by the Institutional Research Committee of the University-CES. Results: they experienced amazement, bewilderment, uncertainty, disbelief, and fear. They faced their personal and work limits. Although they considered abandoning their work, the duty and necessity of their employment got the better of them. Their life was quiet, they had the dream job and they were happy, even though their jobs were demanding. The generalized fear and stigmatization on the part of patients, relatives and health personnel, facilitate social and mental health problems. Your stress and workload increased; “Deal with the emotional situation of patients; with ethics and professionalism, three and four patients can die in turn ”. They strengthened their resilience, they live in uncertainty, and they recognize that their working conditions have not improved, nor will they improve. Conclusion: they experienced emotional and mental health changes due to physical isolation, relationship limitation, fear, anxiety and vulnerability, affecting their life project. They had to adapt to new forms of work and education, however, they developed qualities and skills for resilience and solidarity.


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Author Biographies

María Osley Garzón-Duque, Universidad CES

PhD en Epidemiología y Bioestadística. Docente – Investigadora, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad CES. 

Sandra Patricia Ochoa-Nieto, Universidad CES

Especialista en Epidemiología. Médica Epidemióloga. Estudiante de Maestría en Salud Pública, Universidad CES. 

Juliana Inés Viecco Alzate, Universidad CES

Magíster en Salud Pública. Egresada, Universidad CES. 

Laura Isabel Ospina Garavito, Universidad CES

Magíster en Salud Pública. Enfermera - Líder de modelo en salud mental. Egresada, Universidad CES. 

María Laura Correa Llorente, Universidad CES

Magíster en Salud Pública. Enfermera. Egresada, Universidad CES. 

Yudy Carolina Galván Nuñez, Universidad CES

Enfermera. Estudiante de Maestría en Salud Pública, Universidad CES.

Santiago Nieto Valencia, Universidad CES

Especialista en Gerencia de la salud pública. Fisioterapeuta. Estudiante de Maestría en Salud Pública, Universidad CES.

Alejandra Flórez Suaza, Universidad CES

Especialista en Gerencia de la salud pública. Fisioterapeuta. Estudiante de Maestría en Salud Pública, Universidad CES. 

Daniela Restrepo-Martínez, Universidad CES

Magíster en Salud Pública. Trabajadora Social- Área Salud Pública. Egresada, Universidad CES. 

Camila Andrea Sánchez-Salazar, Universidad CES

Magíster en Salud Pública. Médica. Egresada, Universidad CES. 


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How to Cite

Garzón-Duque MO, Ochoa-Nieto SP, Viecco Alzate JI, Ospina Garavito LI, Correa Llorente ML, Galván Nuñez YC, et al. Life and Health during the Pandemic: Experiences of Trainee Public Health Professionals with Clinical Activities, Medellin, Colombia, 2021. CES SPE [Internet]. 2023 May 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];1(2):72-85. Available from:



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