The relationship of the Subjective Wellbeing of the Workers with their Commitment towards the Organization


  • Jessica María Guadalupe Fonseca Herrera Universidad de Guanajuato
  • Christian Enrique Cruz Torres Universidad de Guanajuato



Subjective Well-Being, Well-Being at Work, Labor Well-Being, ob Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, Organizational Culture, Organizational Climate



The organizational employee commitment conceptualizes the intention to remain in the work place, as the identification of corporative values and the moral sense of engagement due to the benefits received, under the name of organizational commitment (OC). Previous studies show that OC positively affects the subjective well-being of workers (SW), understood as the cognitive and affective assessment that people make of their own life satisfaction. Other studies state that the effect goes from SW to OC. This study aimed to specify the direction of this relationship, for this purpose OC and SW instruments were applied to 230 workers of a higher education public organization in Mexico. Using structural equation models, the hypothesis of relations in both directions between the two variables was contrasted with a third hypothesis of reciprocal relationships between both. The best model was identified as having positive and reciprocal relationships between CO and BS (Chi2 = 65,627, df = 18, p = 0.000, RMR = .074, RMSEA = .111 [CI 90%= .083, .141]; GFI = .931; CFI = .915). It is concluded that increases in OC strengthen SW, and positive relationship between both variables is reciprocal. The implications of the findings on workers´ relationships in the work place are discussed.


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How to Cite

Fonseca Herrera, J. M. G., & Cruz Torres, C. E. (2019). The relationship of the Subjective Wellbeing of the Workers with their Commitment towards the Organization. CES Psicología, 12(2), 126–140.
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