Mobilities of young people from popular groups of Rio de Janeiro related to the streets and home




Youth, City, Mobility, Popular Groups, Opportunity


This work is focused on the experiences lived by young people from popular groups in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) related to the street and home. It is highlighted a variety of dimensions that these spaces and time offer to young people, taking into account the aspects that limit or constraints their mobilities in these spaces, and also what is considered and opportunity for them. It was performed a qualitative study, involving a total of 51 young people, being students in elementary schools, from two public municipal schools of Rio de Janeiro, aged between 14 and 16 and residents in urban peripheries. Three discussion groups were carried out with these students, in addition to participant-observations in both schools. The data were analyzed using the Analysis of Content. The results show that young people meet innumerable limits to their mobility and face untimely situations in the street, which constitute what they call chaos. Given the negative unpredictability associated with street space, domestic space is valued, mainly for providing security that cannot be found in the street.


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How to Cite

Dal Ongaro Savegnago, S. (2019). Mobilities of young people from popular groups of Rio de Janeiro related to the streets and home. CES Psicología, 13(1), 52–69.



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