Initial management of the burn patient, second edition. Bibliographic review




burns, sepsis, surgical flaps, skin transplantation, surgery, plastic


The book titled “Initial Management of the Burned Patient, second edition” written by Dr. Andres Ferro Morales who is a specialist in aesthetic and reconstructive plastic surgery from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, a professor and academic coordinator of the postgraduate program in plastic surgery at the Universidad El Bosque and associate professor of the plastic surgery program at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, is the subject of this review. It could be said that this book has been one of the main guiding texts in the training of several generations of plastic surgery residents, interns, and medical students in the country due to its considerable bibliographic wealth and its outstanding way of expressing the different topics that are discussed in the management of burn patients, which makes it a great text for anyone in the health sector interested in learning about this topic.


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Author Biographies

Marco Paipilla Sandoval, Universidad el Bosque

Médico cirujano, Universidad el Bosque, Colombia.

Juliana Gutiérrez Sarmiento, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada

Médico general, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, Colombia. 


Manuel Andres Ferro Morales. Manejo inicial del paciente quemado, Segunda edición. 2nd ed. Bogotá, Colombia; 2020.

Gaviria Castellano JL, Santamaría N, Velandia Patiño CA, Quintero Hernandez A, Balanta Popo C. Georreferenciación de las quemaduras en Bogotá, Colombia. Rev Colomb cirugía plástica y Reconstr. 2019; 25(2).



How to Cite

Paipilla Sandoval, M., & Gutiérrez Sarmiento, J. (2022). Initial management of the burn patient, second edition. Bibliographic review. CES Medicina, 36(2), 148–151.



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