Nutritional status and physical capacities in children 5-15 years - sports initiation centers; Urabá - Antioquia




child, physical fitness, exercise test, nutrition assessment, overweight, obesity


Objective: to evaluate the nutritional status and physical capacities in children and young people between 5-15 years in the subregion Urabá antioquieño. Methods: descriptive epidemiological study. Population: 3380 Users of the Sports Initiation and Training Centers (CIFD) - Indeportes Antioquia. Data collection: 2017-2018. For the analyzes, the subjects were grouped into three areas: 1) “Eje Bananero” 2) “North of Urabá” and, 3) “South of Urabá”. Age groups considered: 1) Infant (5 to 8 years); 2) Prepubescent (9-12 years old); and 3) Adolescents (≥13 years old). Results: the global prevalence of overweight was 13 % (higher in girls). obesity was present in 6.3 % of individuals. thinness was found in 11.4 %. in physical condition by age, the best results were presented in adolescents. It was found in the speed test (30 meters), a median between 5.7 and 6.7 seconds. In power (horizontal jump), a median between 1.1 and 1.6 meters (without differences with international references). In the abdominal test, a median between 16 and 21 repetitions. The physical tests by zones did not show important differences in: 30 meters stopped; 30 meters thrown; 50 meters released; jump and sit-ups. In the 600-meter test, the best result was found in “South of Urabá” with a median of 2.3 minutes (IR: 1.6 - 3.2). In the launch of the ball, the best result was found in the “Eje Bananero” with a median of 18.8 meters (IR: 14.5 - 24.5). Conclusion: a standardized battery to evaluate the nutritional status and physical condition of boys and girls (5-15 years old) allows a scientific approach for characterization, comparison with international standards and orientation of actions.


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Author Biographies

Mario Andrés Quintero Velásquez, Indeportes Antioquia

Indeportes - Antioquia. Medicina Deportiva. Especialista en Medicina Aplicada a la Actividad Física y el Deporte.

Juan Fernando Saldarriaga Franco, Universidad de Antioquia

Profesor Grupo de Epidemiología - Universidad de Antioquia; Facultad Nacional de Salud Pública. Máster en Epidemiología. 

Héctor Cuervo Canola, Indeportes -Antioquia

Indeportes -Antioquia. Fomento y Desarrollo Deportivo. Licenciado en Educación Física. 

Gloria Cristina Villa Mejía, Fundación Greenland (FGL)

Fundación Greenland (FGL). Ingeniera de Alimentos, especialista en Gerencia de Proyectos.

Juan Felipe Laverde Restrepo , Fundación Greenland (FGL)

Fundación Greenland (FGL). Abogado especialista en Gestión Portuaria. 


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How to Cite

Quintero Velásquez, M. A., Saldarriaga Franco, J. F. ., Cuervo Canola, H., Villa Mejía, G. C., & Laverde Restrepo , J. F. (2022). Nutritional status and physical capacities in children 5-15 years - sports initiation centers; Urabá - Antioquia. CES Medicina, 36(2), 36–49.



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