hepcidin and iron parameters on blood donors


  • Enderson Murillo Ramos Universidad de Antioquia


Introduction: The hepatic peptide hormone hepcidin is the principal regulator of iron absorption and tissue iron distribution. Recent studies have proposed hepcidin as a suitable biomarker to assess iron metabolism and its failures. Although the data were limited to information on the diagnostic properties of serum hepcidin, have not been well characterized and neither have enough studies in healthy individuals, and even in Colombia so far have not been any studies on the topic.Objective: quantify the concentrations of serum hepcidin, establish a normal range and determine the correlate with biochemical parameters associated with iron metabolism in a population of donors. Materials and methods: A cross-wise study was performed on total of 85 donors to whom an automatized blood panel was tested. Ferritin, iron and transferrin were measured through electrochimioluminiscence, inmmunoturbidimetry and colorimetry respectively. Seric hepcidin presence was evidenced by competitive ELISA. Data was statistically analized with a significance level of p< 0, 05. Results: Statistically significant differences were noticed in the hepcidin concentration when comparing women and men. Hepcidin concentrations in men were constant over age (median, 5.73nM). Only ferritin is strongly correlated with hepcidin. Normal values for women ranged between 1,67nM -11,3 nM while those for men did slightly higher 1,71 nM - 13,3 nM. Conclusions: Serum hepcidin levels are higher in men and demonstrates a strong in vivo correlation between seric hepcidin and iron either circulating or storage.


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Author Biography

Enderson Murillo Ramos, Universidad de Antioquia

soy microbiologo y bioanalista, asimismo desarrolle estudios de farmacologia y toxicologia en la uiversidad de antioquia


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How to Cite

Murillo Ramos, E. (2016). hepcidin and iron parameters on blood donors. CES Medicina, 30(2), 158–168. Retrieved from https://revistas.ces.edu.co/index.php/medicina/article/view/3567



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