Supernumerary head of musculus biceps brachii


  • Humerto Ferreira Arquez Universidad de Cartagena UNIVERSIDAD DE PAMPLONA


The most common variable of the muscle biceps brachii is the presence of supernumerary heads. The aim of this case report is to describe the presence of a third head of the muscle biceps brachii and its clinical significance. The anatomical variations described were found during routine dissection conducted in the laboratory of Morphology of the University of Pamplona in two male cadavers of 75 and 59 years respectively. Measurements were taken using a Vernier caliper. Topographic details of the variations were examined, recorded and photographed. They have been described compression of the brachial artery, median nerve, musculocutaneous nerve between the supernumerary heads of muscle biceps brachii, your knowledge is of interest to clinicians, specialists; and health professionals in order to achieve diagnoses, procedures and safer and more efficient rehabilitation.


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How to Cite

Ferreira Arquez, H. (2016). Supernumerary head of musculus biceps brachii. CES Medicina, 30(2), 251–258. Retrieved from



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