Psychotherapy Termination from the Patients' Perspective


  • Daniel Espinosa Duque Universidad CES
  • David Alejandro Ibarra Universidad de San Buenaventura
  • Diana María Ocampo Lopera Universidad CES
  • Linda Montoya Universidad de San Buenaventura
  • Adriana Hoyos-Pérez Universidad CES
  • Luisa Fernanda Medina Universidad de San Buenaventura
  • Santiago Tamayo Universidad CES
  • Julieth Zapata Restrepo Universidad de San Buenaventura



Psychotherapy, Psycotherapy Termination, Psychotherapy Dropout, Adherence, Therapeutic Alliance, Clinical Psychology, Mental Health


The increase in the supply of psychotherapy services in recent decades justifies the study of the elements related to its termination. This is one of the main topics to understand achievement of therapeutic goals and adherence of patients in psychotherapy. Aim: to identify the factors that influence termination of psychotherapeutic processes from the patients' perspective. Method: a mixed research design of concurrent triangulation was used; and structured surveys inquiring and in-depth interviews about psychotherapy termination were conducted. It was carried out at the quantitative level, both descriptive and regression analyses, and at the qualitative level, data reduction, constant comparison, and triangulation of information. A total of 137 patients from two higher education centers of psychological care in Antioquia (Colombia) participated, 100 answered a survey and the remaining participants were interviewed in-depth. Results: Results show three dimensions that allow various conceptualizations of therapy termination: achievement of goals, causal attribution and the person who decides to terminate. Most of the patients in the study dropped out of psychotherapy without the completion of their objectives or with a partial completion of these, due to external attributions and their own decision. Discussion: it was discussed how institutional, therapeutic, and life patient´s aspects have a significant role in termination of psychotherapeutic processes. As well as the importance of considering therapists´ training in relation to the characteristics of these processes and the different indicators associated with premature termination.


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Author Biographies

Daniel Espinosa Duque, Universidad CES

Doctor en Psicoterapia. Docente Investigador Universidad CES. Instituto Milenio para la Investigación en Depresión y Personalidad, MIDAP.

David Alejandro Ibarra, Universidad de San Buenaventura

Magíster. Docente Investigador Universidad de San Buenaventura, Medellín, Colombia.

Diana María Ocampo Lopera, Universidad CES

Magister. Docente Investigadora Universidad CES. Coordinadora Centro de Atención en Salud, Universidad CES.

Linda Montoya, Universidad de San Buenaventura

Psicóloga. Egresada Universidad USB-Medellín.

Adriana Hoyos-Pérez, Universidad CES

Psicóloga. Egresada Universidad CES.

Luisa Fernanda Medina, Universidad de San Buenaventura

Psicóloga. Egresada Universidad USB-Medellín.

Santiago Tamayo, Universidad CES

 Psicólogo. Egresada Universidad CES.

Julieth Zapata Restrepo, Universidad de San Buenaventura

Magíster. Docente Investigadora Universidad de San Buenaventura, Medellín, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Espinosa Duque, D., Ibarra, D. A., Ocampo Lopera, D. M., Montoya, L. ., Hoyos-Pérez, A. ., Medina, L. F. ., … Zapata Restrepo, J. . (2020). Psychotherapy Termination from the Patients’ Perspective. CES Psicología, 13(3), 201–221.



Investigación con Adultos
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