The social representation as a theoretical category and methodological strategy


  • Clara Betty Weisz Universidad de la República



Social Representation, Social Theory, Qualitative Research, Methodology


The article carries out Social Representation thematic, a theoretical and methodological review of these category, on the understanding that its heuristic potential and its ability us a methodological tool, makes possible the depth study of the senses and significants that everyone gives itself in everyday life, as a central objective of the qualitative research methodology. The relevance and validity of this category leads to the articulation of the different original theoretical traditions, to approach the techniques related to the construction of the data and to develop the modes that adopt, respectively, interpretation and analysis, towards the production of contextualized knowledge.


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How to Cite

Weisz, C. B. (2017). The social representation as a theoretical category and methodological strategy. CES Psicología, 10(1), 99–108.
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