Social and personal control, legitimacy of authorities, and social cohesion as protective factors of anti-sociality in adolescents




legitimacy of authorities, personal control, social control, social cohesion, antisociality


Law can shape individual and social behavior in different ways including through perceived control and legitimacy of authorities. The primary aim of this study was to investigate whether legitimacy of authorities, social and personal control, and social cohesion influence antisocial behaviors in juvenile offenders. The study, included a sample of two hundred juvenile offenders in Mexico, used structural equation modeling to test the relationship between the perception of just treatment by police and judges (i.e., legitimacy) and social and personal control and outcomes of antisocial behaviors and tendencies (self-report and probability of antisocial behavior as well as reports of peer antisocial behavior). Results indicate legitimacy of authorities and personal control had a negative effect while social control showed a positive effect on these behaviors. Social cohesion had a positive effect on social control. Our results suggest that legitimacy of authorities and personal control act as protective factors against antisocial behaviors whereas, contrary to the expected results, social control may be a risk factor. This research highlights the importance of preventative protective efforts in juvenile offenders such as just treatment and development of personal control rather than the use of punitive processes. In this sense, it is important to consider alternatives for judicial involvement and punishment such as community programs as well as cognitive and emotional prevention and intervention efforts to reduce antisocial behaviors. Programs such as the Reasoning and Rehabilitation Program, other cognitive skill interventions as well as developmental prevention programs have shown efficacy.


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Biografia do Autor

Martha Frías Armenta, Universidad de Sonora

Doctora en Filosofía. Profesora Departamento de Derecho, Universidad de Sonora, México. 

Nadia Sarai Corral Frías, Universidad de Sonora

Doctora en Neurosciencias. Profesora Universidad de Sonora, México. 

Martha Esther Serrano Arias, Universidad de Sonora

Doctora en Ciencias Sociales. Profesora Universidad de Sonora, México. 


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Como Citar

Frías Armenta, M., Corral Frías, N. S., & Serrano Arias, M. E. (2022). Social and personal control, legitimacy of authorities, and social cohesion as protective factors of anti-sociality in adolescents. CES Psicología, 15(3), 21–41.



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