Positive Youth Development in Colombia: Reflections on a Cross-cultural Collaboration





Cross-cultural Adaptation, Youth Programs, Positive Youth Development, Adolescent Development


This paper shares the story and reflections of an international collaboration aimed at cross-culturally adapting the United Future Leaders (UFL) program, originally developed in the United States (U.S.), for Colombian youth. The paper provides a comprehensive description of how the collaboration has unfolded from three perspectives: Conceptual (theoretical), functional (program adaptation), and reflective (insights from the collaboration team). Rooted in Lerner’s and Lerner’s Positive Youth Development model, UFL provides participants with an active learning experience focused on developing leadership competencies that promote the development of character, ethics, and civility. For the adaptation study, two schools (one public and one private) were chosen to represent the general population of the city of Medellín (Colombia). The paper describes how UFL is delivered in the U.S., the research activities that were undertaken to ensure methodological rigor for the adaptation process and the content and implementation of the pilot activities. Subsequently, the collaboration team reflects on the different perceptions and understandings of what it means to establish a PYD program such as UFL in Medellin, Colombia. Finally, it is discussed how adapting and implementing programs guided by PYD principles is a promising approach for Colombian youth.


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Author Biographies

Sara Dodd, Texas Tech University

PhD. Family/Consumer Sciences. Executive Director and Associate Professor Center For Adolescent Resiliency, Texas Tech University, EUA.

Nadia Moratto Vásquez, Universidad CES

Ph.D. in Social Sciences. Teacher, researcher and leader of the Research Group: Psychology, Health and Society, Faculty of Psychology, CES University, Colombia.

Paulina Vélez Gomez, Texas Tech University

PhD., Assistant Professor, Texas Tech University, EUA and Visiting Assistant Professor at Universidad CES, Colombia.

Daniela Sánchez Acosta , Universidad CES

Master in Mental Health of Children and Adolescents. Research professor, CES University, Colombia.


Gloria Gonzales, Texas Tech University

Master of Education. Director of the United Future Leaders (UFL) program at the Center for Adolescent Resiliency, Texas Tech University, EUA.


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How to Cite

Dodd, S., Moratto Vásquez, N., Vélez Gomez, P., Sánchez Acosta , D., & Gonzales, G. (2023). Positive Youth Development in Colombia: Reflections on a Cross-cultural Collaboration. CES Psicología, 16(3), 121–133. https://doi.org/10.21615/cesp.7124



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