Validity evidence of the Inventory NEO-FFI in Colombian older adults




old age, personality, NEO-FFI, Confirmatory Factor Analysis


The use of instruments to assess personality is a common practice in psychology, therefore its validation and adaptation to different population groups is fundamental. The aim of the current research was to evaluate the construct validity of the NEO-FFI Inventory in a group of 617 elderly people in Bogotá, Colombia. First ordered confirmatory factor analyses and bi-factor models were performed. The results showed that the Inventory does not achieve an adequate adjustment in any of the first-order models, nor in the bi-factorial model, nor in the analysis of the factors separately. Only in the modified CFA models that evaluate each factor individually, with the exception of Agreeableness, an adequate fit was achieved. The items registering low factor loadings are especially those negative or reverse items, and since the understanding this type of items requires better linguistic skills, it is inferred that the low educational level of the sample could interfere in achieving an adequate adjustment of the models. Consequently, it is recommended to study this aspect in future research.


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Author Biographies

Maria Fernanda Reyes-Rodriguez, Universidad El Bosque

PhD. en Psicogerontología. Universidad El Bosque, Colombia. 

Natalia Maldonado , Universidad El Bosque

Maestra en Metodología de las Ciencias del Comportamiento y de la Salud. Universidad El Bosque. 

Adriana Trujillo, Universidad El Bosque

PhD. de Psicología Clínica y de la Salud. Universidad El Bosque.

Eva Chaparro, Universidad El Bosque

Psicóloga. Universidad El Bosque. 

Encarnación Satorres, Universidad de Valencia

PhD. en Psicogerontología. Universidad de Valencia, España. 

Juan Carlos Meléndez, Universidad de Valencia

PhD. en Psicogerontología. Universidad de Valencia, España. 


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How to Cite

Reyes-Rodriguez, M. F., Maldonado , N. ., Trujillo, A., Chaparro, E. ., Satorres, E., & Meléndez, J. C. (2022). Validity evidence of the Inventory NEO-FFI in Colombian older adults. CES Psicología, 15(2), 135–150.



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