Psychoanalysis and Development? Contributions from a non-Linear Perspective




development, non-linearity, a-temporality, Nachträglichkeit, historicization


This article problematizes the relationship between Freudian psychoanalysis and the linear, deterministic, and teleological perspective on development. Despite the evolutionist impregnations of the historical context in which Freud conceives his ideas, there are concepts that show a sharp break with the idea of an unfolding guided by a rhythm of stages prefixed by ages. Thus, the a-temporality of the unconscious processes and the Nachträglichkeit is postulated considering the non-linear perspectives that emerge from the sciences of complexity. Finally, we reflect on a psyche that, in its open and complex character, contemplates the fortuitous, the unpredictable and chance in its becoming, and is transformed through the elaborative symbolic work on the self. Like this, only the historicization, which is never linear, contemplates what is new as a possibility to (re)construct the past history.


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Author Biography

Ariel Martínez, National University of La Plata, Argentina

Doctor of Psychology. Professor at the National University of La Plata. Researcher at the Interdisciplinary Center for Gender Research (CInIG), belonging to the Institute for Research in Humanities and Social Sciences (IdIHCS, UNLP / CONICET). Argentina.


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How to Cite

Martínez, A. (2021). Psychoanalysis and Development? Contributions from a non-Linear Perspective. CES Psicología, 14(3), 151–170.



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