Preliminary Adaptation and Validation of the Cultural Theory of Environmental Worldviews Scale in Chilean Population




Chile, Cultural Theory and Environmental Worldviews Scale, Cultural Theory, Risk Perception, Adaptation, Validation, Methodological Studies, Environmental Behavior


The objective of this study was to adapt and provide preliminary validity evidence of the cultural theory and environmental worldviews scale in the Latin-American context. Content validity evidence was assessed by the judgment of four experts, discriminant and convergent validity, internal structure through exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, and internal consistency using the omega coefficient. The sample consisted of 500 participants from the Ñuble region, Chile. Regarding the results, a revised and linguistically adapted version of the instrument was obtained, which presented a kappa coefficient ranging from substantial to almost perfect regarding the content. The statistical analysis shown the adequacy of the 15-item instrument and a confirmatory factor analysis which supported the four-factor internal structure (individualism, egalitarianism, hierarchy, and fatalism), as in the original version. The internal consistency assessed using the Omega coefficient was acceptable for the four subscales. Regarding discriminant validity, adequate average variance extracted was obtained for egalitarianism, hierarchy, and fatalism (only individualism presented values slightly lower than expected), while convergent validity showed adequate composite reliability values for the four factors. These findings support the use of the Spanish version of Cultural Theory scale of and Environmental Worldviews in Spanish speaking population, contributing to potential further sociocultural studies about the environment in Latin America.


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Author Biographies

José Sebastián Sandoval Díaz, Universidad del Bío Bío

Doctor en Psicología. Magíster en Ciencias Sociales. Psicólogo. Docente Departamento de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad del Bío-Bío (Chile). Miembro del Centro Estudios Ñuble y del Grupo de Investigación en Ciudadanía y Equidad (CIEQ).

Patricio Neumann, Universidad del Bío Bío

Doctor en Ciencias Ambientales. Magíster en Ciencias de la Ingeniería. Ingeniero Ambiental. Docente Departamento de Ciencias Básicas, Universidad del Bío-Bío (Chile). Miembro del Centro de Recursos  Hídricos para la Agricultura y Minería (CRHIAM, Chile) ANID/FONDAP/15130015.

Ricardo Rey Clericus, Universidad del Bio Bio

Doctor en Psicología. Docente Departamento  e Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad del Bío Bío. Socio de la Sociedad Chilena de Psicología Clínica y miembro fundador de la Sociedad Chilena de Medicina Conductual y Psicología de la salud.


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How to Cite

Sandoval Díaz, J. S., Neumann, P., & Rey Clericus, R. (2020). Preliminary Adaptation and Validation of the Cultural Theory of Environmental Worldviews Scale in Chilean Population. CES Psicología, 14(1), 16–35.



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