Significant Moments in Psychotherapy with Children: A Study on Change Processes




Child Psychotherapy, Significant Moments, Psychotherapy Process Research


Objective: identify and describe significant moments in psychotherapy with children to understand the process of change in child psychotherapy from the subjective experience of the participants and the observation of psychotherapeutic sessions. Methodology: multiple case study in which four psychotherapeutic processes were analyzed from an interpretive paradigm and with a methodology oriented to discovery. All the psychotherapy sessions were recorded, semi-structured interviews were conducted with the different participants (children, parents, and therapists), and the analysis of important moments of the psychotherapeutic treatment was focused. Results: the article discusses the findings around the Significant Moments as a method for the study of change and at the same time, as a comprehensive phenomenon in the processes of psychotherapeutic change; in this sense, it offers a methodological and conceptual contribution as a result of the study. This research maintains that a Significant Moment in therapy is essentially a transitional and intersubjective phenomenon that works as a container and content of psychotherapeutic change. It is a transitional phenomenon because it occurs in an ambiguous dimension that involves simultaneously the internal and external; It cannot be defined as a completely objective or completely subjective experience, but rather a phenomenon that encompasses both dimensions. Conclusion: Significant Moments function as the container and content of the psychotherapeutic change processes. Continent as they frame, they delimit the study of therapeutic change; content because they themselves are a process.


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Author Biography

Leidy Carolina Castrillón Osorio, Universidad de Antioquia

Ph.D en Ciencias Sociales. Psicóloga. Magister en Psicología. Especialista en Psicología Clínica. Profesora de la Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín (Colombia). Miembro del Grupo de Investigación de Psicología Dinámica UdeA.


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How to Cite

Castrillón Osorio, L. C. (2020). Significant Moments in Psychotherapy with Children: A Study on Change Processes. CES Psicología, 13(3), 88–106.



Investigación con Niños y Adolescentes
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