Adherence or Drop Out of Adolescents in Psychotherapy Due to Sexual Abuse: their Therapist’s Perspective


  • Lucia Beatriz Nuñez Hidalgo Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
  • Claudia Capella Universidad de Chile
  • Vania Vásquez Universidad de Chile
  • Sofía Fuentes Universidad de Chile



Psychotherapy Drop Out, Adherence, Adolescents, Sexual Abuse, Psychotherapists


A high percentage of adolescents who attend psychotherapy due to sexual abuse drop out of treatment, affecting the overcoming. There is little research on what precipitates desertion or promotes adherence in these cases. Aim: describe features of the consulting system and the psychotherapeutic process of adolescents who have been sexually abused who adhere and drop out of psychotherapy, in order to explore similarities and differences from the perspective of their psychotherapists. Methods: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with psychotherapists who attended 16 cases of adolescent victims of sexual abuse, 8 who deserted from psychotherapy and 8 who continued until discharge. Thematic narrative analysis of the interviews was developed. Results: the main similarities described were multi-problematic social and family contexts, personal resources in the adolescents and a positive psychotherapeutic relationship. Differences were focused on caretakers, who in the drop out cases showed low support and a more conflictive relationship with the adolescent, little involvement in psychotherapy and a poor relationship with the psychotherapist. Adolescents who deserted had consultation purposes not related with sexual abuse and low social integration, unlike those who adhered. Conclusion and discussion: the phenomena of adherence and dropout of psychotherapy are complex and multifactorial. Along with factors associated with the consulting system, elements of the psychotherapeutic process that support adherence stand out, which can be addressed early in the process.


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Author Biographies

Lucia Beatriz Nuñez Hidalgo, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Doctora (c) en Psicoterapia, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile/Universidad de Chile. Miembro del Instituto Milenio para la Investigación en Depresión y Personalidad (MIDAP).

Claudia Capella, Universidad de Chile

Doctora en Psicología. Académica Departamento de Psicología Universidad de Chile. Investigadora Adjunta del Instituto Milenio para la Investigación en Depresión y Personalidad (MIDAP).

Vania Vásquez, Universidad de Chile

Psicóloga,  Universidad de Chile.

Sofía Fuentes, Universidad de Chile

Psicóloga, Universidad de Chile.


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How to Cite

Nuñez Hidalgo, L. B., Capella, C. ., Vásquez, V. ., & Fuentes, S. (2020). Adherence or Drop Out of Adolescents in Psychotherapy Due to Sexual Abuse: their Therapist’s Perspective. CES Psicología, 13(3), 124–141.



Investigación con Niños y Adolescentes
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