Emotional intelligence, Empathy and Warmth as Protective Factors Against Physical Aggression in Adolescents





prosocial behavior, emotional intelligence, empathy, warmth, physical aggression, aggressiveness, adolescents


Adolescence is a stage in which psychological resources that influence the interactions with others are developed, some of which can represent protective factors against problems such as physical aggressiveness. The aim of this study was to analyze the predictive value of emotional intelligence, empathy, and warmth over physical aggression in adolescents. The sample included 2161 high school students of the Metropolitan Area of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico (M=16.7 years, SD= .023). The participants answered the Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQi-YV), the Basic Empathy Scale, modified for adolescents (EBE), the Warmth Scale (EBT) and the scale of physical aggression from the Aggression Questionnaire. Statistical analysis included correlation test and a stepwise multiple lineal regression. The results indicated a negative correlation between all the study variables and physical aggression (p<.01). In the final predictive model, it was found that stress management, adaptability, kindness, consideration, affective empathy, and self-generated physical warmth are protective factors against physical aggression. Likewise, the intrapersonal competence, cognitive empathy and self-generated psychological warmth appeared as predictive variables for this type of aggression (R2 = .30). We conclude that social and emotional competences, oriented towards emotional regulation and attention to the other´s needs, are resources that influence the way an adolescent responds to conflict. 


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Author Biography

Mercedes Gabriela Orozco Solis, Universidad de Guadalajara

Doctor in Psychology. Research professor of the Department of Mental Health Clinics belonging to the University Center for Health Sciences at the University of Guadalajara, México.


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How to Cite

Orozco Solis, M. G. (2021). Emotional intelligence, Empathy and Warmth as Protective Factors Against Physical Aggression in Adolescents. CES Psicología, 14(2), 1–19. https://doi.org/10.21615/cesp.5222



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