Love as effect and affection in the life of Louis Althusser: a mountain painted many times


  • Gloria María López Arboleda Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana
  • Conrado Giraldo Zuluaga Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana



Love, Power Love, Philosophy, Louis Althusser, Paul Cezanne


This article analyzes the conception of love in the autobiographical work The Future Is Long (1992) by Louis Althusser, considering the concept of being able to love as the Althusserian action impossible but not for that irremediable. The metaphor of the mountain painted repeatedly by Cezanne (1878) is thus used to show how the life of Althusser (the mountain) was defined and constituted by various affections with their respective effects, among which love is. This text shows how during the work, the philosopher “slides” softly but firmly, from love as an abstract noun, to love as a verb. This step that is perceived implies three consequences: a necessary conversion, a pair of specific actions and some conjugations understood as changes in the vital trajectory of a subject.


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How to Cite

López Arboleda, G. M., & Giraldo Zuluaga, C. (2018). Love as effect and affection in the life of Louis Althusser: a mountain painted many times. CES Psicología, 12(1), 112–121.



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