Critical-Poetic Considerations to Think about Systemic-Relational Clinic: A Methodological Proposal for Psychotherapy Research


  • Carolina Besoain Arrau Universidad Alberto Hurtado
  • Pilar Cuevas Vial Universidad de Chile
  • Clementina Araya Aguirre Universidad de Chile
  • Soledad Angulo Kobilic Universidad de Chile
  • Rodrigo Morales Martínez Universidad de Chile



Relational Systemic Psychotherapy, Research in Psychotherapy, Micro Politics, Poetics, Clinical Psychology


The relational systemic psychotherapy has problematized in recent decades its representational assumptions, moving towards new conceptualizations of psychotherapeutic experience. This article presents the work of a clinical research team that, following the theoretical approaches of Marcelo Pakman, explored the movements between micro politics and poetics through a qualitative case study methodology. Data production techniques included participant observation in unidirectional mirror of six sessions of psychotherapy, and in-depth interviews with the therapist and the patient. The material was analyzed from a dialogical approach that stressed a plural hearing of the material. This article gives full account of the methodological device and it is presented a sample of the type of clinical reflections that this methodology allows to build. Finally, there are discussed the implications and challenges of conducting a dialogical and reflexive clinical research and its value for psychotherapist training.


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How to Cite

Besoain Arrau, C., Cuevas Vial, P., Araya Aguirre, C., Angulo Kobilic, S., & Morales Martínez, R. (2018). Critical-Poetic Considerations to Think about Systemic-Relational Clinic: A Methodological Proposal for Psychotherapy Research. CES Psicología, 12(2), 83–102.
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