Practice of the psychoanalyst at the institutional level: analysis or suggestion?*


  • Julio Eduardo Hoyos Zuluaga Universidad de Antioquia
  • Juliana María Bueno Restrepo Universidad de Antioquia
  • Mariluz González Forero Universidad de Antioquia
  • Paula Andrea Martínez Hernández Universidad de Antioquia



Pure Psychoanalysis, Suggestion, Transference, Direction of the Treatment, Institutional Practice


Within the framework of the research entitled: "Practice of psychoanalysts in mental health institutions in the Latin American context.  A state of art (2000-2013) ", the question of the presence of psychoanalysts in contexts different from the classic analytical device, which is framed in the private sphere, was kept as the axis. An obligatory reference in this way is the Freudian phrase that evokes the alloy between the pure gold of the analysis and the copper of the direct suggestion. The present text is an elaboration on this and its consequences for a psychoanalytic praxis at the institutional level. For this, different sources were reviewed in the work of Freud and the lessons of Lacan, which together with other authors attempt to account for the difficulties and possibilities for this to be viable. It is evident that the detractors of this option concentrate on the imaginary of the device, while others are more oriented by the structure of the device and the desired function that the analyst points out.


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Freud, S. (1917/2007). La Transferencia. En Obras Completas. Madrid, España: Biblioteca Nueva.

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Lacan, J. (1959 /2000). La Dimensión Trágica de la Experiencia Analítica. En La Ética del Psicoanálisis. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Paidós.

Lacan, J. (2010). La Dirección de la Cura y los Principios de su Poder: En Escritos 2. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Siglo Veintiuno Editores.

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How to Cite

Hoyos Zuluaga, J. E., Bueno Restrepo, J. M., González Forero, M., & Martínez Hernández, P. A. (2018). Practice of the psychoanalyst at the institutional level: analysis or suggestion?*. CES Psicología, 11(2), 13–20.
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