Designing an Organizational Culture Model in the Projects Environment: a Constructivist Approach*


  • Dora Alba Ariza Aguilera Universidad EAN



Organizational Culture, Projects Environment, Constructivist Grounded Theory, Social Constructivism


Specific behaviors and attitudes shown by people participating in an organization's projects have contributed to their success and have constituted a subculture (Kendra & Taplin, 2004; Morrison, Brown & Smit, 2006; Stare, 2012). The relationship between culture and project effectiveness has been studied by individualizing some cultural traits or by using constructs that need to be complemented (Stare, 2012). With the purpose of constructing a model that groups these cultural aspects, the present investigation took the constructivism as epistemological reference and used like method of application, the constructivist grounded theory. It was based on the literature review and the constrastation between the theory and the reality of the projects, through questionnaires and interviews with project leaders, team members and project stakeholders in 82 organizations located in Bogota, Colombia, belonging to different sectors of the industry.  Patterns of attitudes and behaviors were determined and allowed to design a conceptual model of four dimensions: governance, learning, relationship between stakeholders and organizational integration. The dimensions group eight categories and thirty two cultural variables. The study extends the theory in organizational culture and in project management. At the practical level, it provides a framework that helps organizations identify the cultural aspects that need to be improved to achieve more successful projects. Future research can be oriented to statistically validate the model and establish its relationship with indicators of project effectiveness.


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How to Cite

Ariza Aguilera, D. A. (2018). Designing an Organizational Culture Model in the Projects Environment: a Constructivist Approach*. CES Psicología, 11(1), 118–133.
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