Microabrasion and resin infiltration for treatment of severe Dental Fluorosis: a case report





dental esthetic, dental fluorosis, enamel microabrasion


Dental Fluorosis (DF) is a developmental defect of the enamel type hypomineralization attributed to chronic and excessive fluoride exposure during the period of amelogenesis. Clinically, in the mildest cases fine white and opaque lines can be observed, while in moderate and severe cases the lines can melt and form thicker bands, compromising the entire tooth surface, which may be associated with loss of structure and color changes. Treatment of DF can range from microabrasion, infiltration, dental whitening, and composite resin restorations to veneers and crowns. The objective of this clinical case was to associate the microabrasion and infiltration technique as an alternative to aesthetic treatment for the management of dental fluorosis. A 9-year-old female patient presented white opacities in the form of thick bands and loss of tooth structure in the permanent upper incisors (severe dental fluorosis). For the treatment, it was decided to perform microabrasion with hydrochloric acid, followed by infiltration with low viscosity resin, achieving a favorable and stable aesthetic result after three months. It is concluded that the combination of these two micro-invasive techniques is a viable and effective strategy to effectively mask opacities produced by DF.


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Author Biographies

Melissa Laverde-Giraldo, Universidad CES

Residente del postgrado de odontopediatría y ortodoncia interceptiva. Universidad CES, Medellín. Colombia. 

Juan Diego Mejía-Roldán, Universidad CES

Especialista en Odontopediatría, Magister en Ciencias Odontológicas. Profesor. Universidad CES, Medellín. Colombia.

Manuel Restrepo, Universidad CES

Magíster, Doctor y Post-doc en Odontopediatría. Profesor. Universidad CES, Medellín. Colombia.


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How to Cite

Laverde-Giraldo M, Mejía-Roldán JD, Restrepo M. Microabrasion and resin infiltration for treatment of severe Dental Fluorosis: a case report. CES odontol. [Internet]. 2022 Sep. 6 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];35(1):31-46. Available from: https://revistas.ces.edu.co/index.php/odontologia/article/view/6411



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