The participation of women in the political scenario, and their reaffirmation through the affirmative actions proposed in the final peace agreement


  • Maria Alejandra López Agudelo Universidad de Antioquia



Final Peace Agreement, affirmative actions, women, political participation, authority


This article addresses the emergence of affirmative actions as mechanisms or instruments to equalize political rights for excluded groups, such as women in general. It will be studied and analyzed from everything about Final Peace Agreement signed between the Colombia´s National Government and the FARC-EP in 2016. The central focus of the article will be the second point of the agreement: “Political participation: Democratic opening to build peace, and affirmative measures or actions”, that is, everything
about representation spaces, active political participation in the power and decision-making, which are the objetive to identify in this article, following always the affirmative actions, as well as verification of their implementation in Colombia. 


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Author Biography

Maria Alejandra López Agudelo, Universidad de Antioquia

Estudiante del pregrado de derecho de la Universidad de Antioquia. 


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How to Cite

López Agudelo, M. A. (2021). The participation of women in the political scenario, and their reaffirmation through the affirmative actions proposed in the final peace agreement. CES Derecho, 12(1), 154–166.



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