Physical Inactivity among Faculty Members in a Health School


  • Maicol Garces Pareja Universidad CES
  • Cinthya Lezcano Aguirre Universidad CES
  • Karol Vanessa Hernández García Universidad CES
  • Diana Isabel Muñoz Rodríguez Universidad CES



teachers, accelerometry, work, lifestyle


Physical activity is an effective practice to care for the physical and mental health in the general population. However, the population has low levels of physical activity. A particular population is the one of university professors who, due to the needs of the institutions and students, they often invest additional time from their free time, executing work activities, which results in a diversity of low energy expenditure activities. Objective: to estimate the prevalence of physical inactivity in a group of university professors from a health school, and to explore whether work factors are associated with this behavior. Methods: quantitative observational study with a descriptive approach and analytical intent, in which 34 professors from a faculty in the health area who were occupationally linked in the year 2021 participated. The dependent variable was physical inactivity, measured by accelerometry. In addition, sociodemographic, anthropometric, labor and lifestyle characteristics were investigated. The analysis is conducted through descriptive measures, hypothesis test and crude prevalence ratios. Results: it was found that four out of ten teachers are apparently inactive; Although the labor characteristics are not associated, some characteristics suggest a higher proportion of inactive teachers. Conclusion: the performance of physical activity in teachers is not enough to comply with the minimum levels recommended to protect health. Although the factors of the working day do not seem to be associated, perhaps due to the homogeneity of characteristics of this particular group, it is important that, from the institutional welfare systems, strategies and spaces are provided that guide their actions towards the promotion of healthy behaviors that can improve the teacher’s health.


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Author Biographies

Maicol Garces Pareja, Universidad CES

Fisioterapeuta. Estudiante, Universidad CES.

Cinthya Lezcano Aguirre, Universidad CES

Fisioterapeuta. Estudiante, Universidad CES. 

Karol Vanessa Hernández García, Universidad CES

Fisioterapeuta. Estudiante, Universidad CES.

Diana Isabel Muñoz Rodríguez, Universidad CES

PhD Epidemiología y Bioestadística. Docente, Universidad CES. 


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How to Cite

Garces Pareja M, Lezcano Aguirre C, Hernández García KV, Muñoz Rodríguez DI. Physical Inactivity among Faculty Members in a Health School. CES SPE [Internet]. 2023 May 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];1(2):32-50. Available from:



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