Workplace Violence in the Healthcare Sector: When the Psychologist is the Victim. Case Report


  • Ana María Salazar Llano Universidad CES
  • María Adelaida de Greiff Álvarez Universidad CES
  • Diana Restrepo Bernal Universidad CES



workplace violence, stress disorder, traumatic, occupational health, mental health, psychology


Introduction: violence in the workplace has become a global problem that crosses borders, work contexts and professional groups. In the health sector, it is a ubiquitous, persistent and under-reported problem. Case report: a 43-year-old liaison psychologist with 20 years of work experience, is threatened with death by the mother of a pediatric patient. He immediately presents nervousness, anxiety, insomnia and fear for his life. A diagnosis of acute stress disorder is made, the symptoms persist and a month later he continues with behavioral avoidance, re-experiencing of the trauma, negative mood, psychophysiological reactivity, dissociative symptoms and great dysfunction in daily life, which configures an anxiety disorder. posttraumatic stress. A month after the trauma, suicidal ideation and plans appeared, for which he was hospitalized for psychiatry. She is discharged with psychopharmaceuticals and outpatient psychotherapy, and incapacity for work. Revision: workplace violence for healthcare employees is a real and growing problem. There are multiple barriers that prevent making this situation visible. Workers and employers in the health sector need to identify this important occupational risk and understand that violence is not “part of the job”. Conclusion: violence in the workplace for those who work in the health sector is a common problem, which requires education, legislation and strategies to prevent it.


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Author Biographies

Ana María Salazar Llano, Universidad CES

Residente de Psiquiatría, Universidad CES.

María Adelaida de Greiff Álvarez, Universidad CES

Estudiante de Pregrado de Medicina, Universidad CES.

Diana Restrepo Bernal, Universidad CES

Psiquiatra de Enlace. Epidemióloga, docente e investigadora, Universidad CES.


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How to Cite

Salazar Llano AM, de Greiff Álvarez MA, Restrepo Bernal D. Workplace Violence in the Healthcare Sector: When the Psychologist is the Victim. Case Report. CES SPE [Internet]. 2023 May 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];1(2):169-83. Available from:
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