Zygomatic implants in patients with maxillary edentulism and severe bone resorption


  • Ana María Vélez Universidad CES
  • Ángela María Torres Universidad CES
  • Gustavo Ortiz-Orrego Universidad CES
  • Luis Gonzalo Álvarez Universidad CES


Treatment with conventional implants can not be part of the implant rehabilitation in edentulous jaws in some patients due to advanced bone resorption or sinus neumatization, which leads to inadequate amounts of bone to anchor the implants. For over three decades, surgical placement of bone prior to or simultaneously with implant placement grafting techniques has become routine in oral rehabilitation. Several bone augmentation techniques such as sinus lift or bone graft, have been reported with the common goal of increasing the volume of load bearing bone. Now with the development of technology in zygomatic implants can prevent these bone graft techniques returning patients better quality of life and appropriate aesthetics. With less trauma and facilitating the treatment and prognosis of it.


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How to Cite

Vélez AM, Torres Ángela M, Ortiz-Orrego G, Álvarez LG. Zygomatic implants in patients with maxillary edentulism and severe bone resorption. CES odontol. [Internet]. 2016 Dec. 16 [cited 2024 Jul. 11];29(2):40-51. Available from: https://revistas.ces.edu.co/index.php/odontologia/article/view/4104



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