Introduction to the cardiology of psitaciformes


  • Antonio Alejandro Sciabarrasi Bagilet Universidad Nacional del Litoral
  • Jorge Fajardo Camps Centro Veterinario México



cardiology, echocardiography, electrocardiogram, radiology, psittaciforms, tomography


For the detection of heart diseases in psittaciforms, there are many factors that make their diagnosis difficult, in addition to the fact that the signs of
a cardiac parrot are generally not specific and the physical examination of the cardiovascular system is limited. The most frequent diagnostic methods
such as radiology, electrocardiogram, or echocardiography can be complicated by: the small size of some species, high heart rates, and low
reference values. Despite this, it is necessary to perform these tests to obtain an adjusted diagnosis of cardiac pathology. The present work aims to
compile the existing information on cardiology in psittaciforms through its complementary studies to expand and facilitate clinical practice with these
important diagnostic tools and thus familiarize the veterinary professional in the study of the physiology and pathologies of the cardiovascular system in these birds.


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How to Cite

Sciabarrasi Bagilet, A. A. ., & Fajardo Camps, J. (2020). Introduction to the cardiology of psitaciformes. CES Medicina Veterinaria Y Zootecnia, 15(3), 51–60.
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