Alternative treatments in transmissible venereal tumor in canines


  • Isabella Geraldine Quiroga Sánchez Universidad de la Salle
  • Alba Cristina Espinosa Nuñez Universidad de la Amazonia
  • Frank Harry Suárez Sánchez Universidad de la Salle



autohemotherapy, immunotherapy, chemotherapy, TVT


Transmissible Venereal Tumor (TVT) is a common canine neoplasia; it is
mainly located in the genital mucosa. This pathology is highly contagious
and can be transmitted by direct contact cell transplantation from a diseased
to a non-diseased mucosa. It is primarily diagnosed by cytology and its
treatment is chemotherapy being the vincristine sulfate the medicine of
choice. The Vincristine has a high rate of effectiveness and low recidivism;
however, this alternative has important side effects. The treatment with
Vincristine could cause primarily digestive upset, hematological, and nervous
diseases. The objective of this work is to determine the efficacy and
performance of alternative therapies for the treatment of TVT, firstly, with
an autohemoterapy protocol, and using an immunotherapy treatment with
yatrenic acid and casein, which acts in the animal’s immune system and
causes the same organism to eradicate the tumor.


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How to Cite

Quiroga Sánchez, I. G., Espinosa Nuñez, A. C., & Suárez Sánchez, F. H. (2020). Alternative treatments in transmissible venereal tumor in canines. CES Medicina Veterinaria Y Zootecnia, 15(3), 25–40.



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