Genetic relationship between insemination bulls marketed in Chile by two semen suppliers: a case study in Holstein and Angus breeds


  • Jaime Enrique Piñeira Vargas Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (Chile)
  • Matías Alejandro Díaz Ortega Universidad Católica de Temuco
  • Olga Camila Cancino Lopez Universidad Católica de Temuco



artificial insemination, inbreeding, inbreeding depression, genealogical record, effective population size


Artificial insemination (AI) is currently the preferred reproductive management for most cattle farmers working with international cattle breeds likes Holstein Friesian and Aberdeen Angus. In relation to this, several authors have described that over the years there has been an alteration in the production parameters, which would be significantly associated with an increase in the inbreeding degree of the animals. This fact would have
its origin at the genetic nucleus level, in which improvement programs are
carried out, due to the small number of family lines which the animals selected as breeding stock belong to. This study evaluated the degree of kinship between Holstein Friesian and Aberdeen Angus insemination bulls marketed in Chile by two semen distribution companies. A total of 86
bulls available in catalogues until 2017 were studied. The genealogical information of each bull was traced back up to great-great-grandfather
and then a consolidated genealogical record was built for each breed. This analysis considered the estimation of each bull’s inbreeding percentage (F) and the construction of a co-ancestry matrix among animals. Results indicated that 99% of Holstein bulls and 79% of Angus bulls, are related to some extent. As a result of the above, it is concluded that is essential that in Chile a program management of genealogical information be initiated to adequately control inbreeding problems that may arise from the use of related animals.


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Author Biography

Jaime Enrique Piñeira Vargas, Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (Chile)

Jaime Piñeira, es biólogo y doctor en genética por la Universidad de Vigo – España.

Desde su incorporación al Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIA Carillanca) el año 2008, ha estado vinculado al desarrollo de proyectos de investigación y transferencia tecnológica en materia de selección, mejora genética y conservación de recursos zoogenéticos.

Desde entonces, ha contribuido en la implementación del Programa Nacional de Mejoramiento Genético Ganadero impulsado por la institución, el cual se basa tanto en el uso de metodologías informáticas convencionales (BLUP) como herramientas genómicas.

El Dr. Piñeira también es académico en la Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias y Forestales de la Universidad de La Frontera, y en la Facultad de Ciencias de la Universidad Mayor. Además forma parte de la Sociedad Chilena de Producción Animal (SOCHIPA) y de Red CONVIAND, organización internacional cuyo trabajo se centra en la Conservación de la biodiversidad de los animales domésticos locales para el desarrollo rural sostenible.


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How to Cite

Piñeira Vargas, J. E., Díaz Ortega, M. A., & Cancino Lopez, O. C. (2020). Genetic relationship between insemination bulls marketed in Chile by two semen suppliers: a case study in Holstein and Angus breeds. CES Medicina Veterinaria Y Zootecnia, 15(2), 38–48.



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