“Meatless Day” in the city of Medellín: constitutionalaspects


  • Héctor Jairo Correa C Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Medellín.




With the aim of being linked to the international campaign “Meatless Monday”,the Council of the city of Medellín approved a standard (Agreement 076of 2017) that in Article 1 restricts the supply of meat one day a week inofficial schools, the community kitchens, gardens and restaurants of themunicipal entities. This restriction is based on the assumption that the Municipalityof Medellín will promote a green and sustainable diet, however,this Article clearly violates the fundamental rights of Colombians, especiallychildren and adolescents. This document explains the violated norms andthe fundamentals of this violation, it is concluded that the fundamentalrights of children and adolescents cannot be violated, and even less witharguments that lead of itself a huge political and economic burden as issustainable development, as it is maintained by the “Meatless Day” normin the city of Medellín.


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How to Cite

Correa C, H. J. (2018). “Meatless Day” in the city of Medellín: constitutionalaspects. CES Medicina Veterinaria Y Zootecnia, 13(2), 184–192. https://doi.org/10.21615/cesmvz.13.2.7



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