Presence of Salmonella spp in captivity and wild river turtles in Urabá, Colombia


  • Melissa Penagos Gaviria Universidad CES
  • Camila Trujillo Garcés Universidad CES.
  • Janeth Pérez-García Universidad CES.
  • Miryan Margot Sánchez-Jiménez Universidad CES.
  • Nora Cardona-Castro Universidad CES.



Salmonellosis is a high prevalence infectious diseases worldwide and turtleshave been recognized as chronic carriers. Studies have reported thepresence of Salmonella spp in river turtles in different countries; however,studies in wild individuals are less common. The objective of this studywas to identify the presence of Salmonella spp in wild (n=50) and in captivity(n=55) river turtles in Uraba Antioqueño (Colombia) between 2015-2016.Trachemys venusta, Rhinoclemmys melanosterna, and Kinosternon leucostomumwere included. Feces samples were taken by cloaca swab, cultureswere performed, and DNA extraction and PCR were made from the coloniesisolated. From total population(n=105) two male, adults in captivity werepositive, the specie was R. melanosterna. The results obtained do not excludeinfection due to the intermittence in the excretion of the bacteria infeces. This research provides evidence of the presence of the bacteria inturtles from the region and highlights the requirement to implement preventiveactivities to reduce contact with these species, and decrease theprobability of transmission of nontyphoidal salmonellosis in human populationaround the region.


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How to Cite

Penagos Gaviria, M., Trujillo Garcés, C., Pérez-García, J., Sánchez-Jiménez, M. M., & Cardona-Castro, N. (2018). Presence of Salmonella spp in captivity and wild river turtles in Urabá, Colombia. CES Medicina Veterinaria Y Zootecnia, 13(2), 111–120.



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