Inclusión of mycotoxin adsorvents for piglets


  • Anilce de Araújo Bretas Centro Universitário Barriga Verde



Brazil has a climate that favors the development of fungi, however it isknown that these cause changes in grain quality affecting animal productionand consequently swine farming. Strategies are needed such asplanting preventions, as well as strategic decision-making to minimize theproblems caused by mycotoxins in feed production. Mycotoxins are toxicsubstances resulting from the metabolism of various fungi found in theenvironment. In addition to impairing the immunity of pigs at differentages, they facilitate the emergence of diseases and consequently reducethe weight gain of the animals, especially the piglets causing an increasein mortality in the maternity or nursery. This bibliographic review aimedto compile information on recent inclusions of mycotoxin adsorbents efficientlyused in piglet diets without compromising on meat quality and zootechnicalparameters.


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How to Cite

de Araújo Bretas, A. (2018). Inclusión of mycotoxin adsorvents for piglets. CES Medicina Veterinaria Y Zootecnia, 13(1), 80–95.
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