Common conceptual statistical mistakes in scientific literature


  • Roberto Antonio Matamoros Pinel Universidad Santo Tomás
  • Alejandro Ceballos Márquez Universidad de Caldas



This work seeks to provide up-to-date information on commonly made statisticalmistakes and statistical reports in scientific papers, and how thesecan be avoided. The main goal is to comprehensively review frequently observedstatistical errors, flaws and pitfalls in medical and veterinary sciencein order to help researchers to produce statistically correct output intheir future reports. At the same time, it can help readers to identify questionablestatistical analysis, and estimate what the authors would haveconcluded when appropriate statistical methods have been used.


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How to Cite

Matamoros Pinel, R. A., & Ceballos Márquez, A. (2017). Common conceptual statistical mistakes in scientific literature. CES Medicina Veterinaria Y Zootecnia, 12(3), 211–229.
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