Genetic variability in six SNPs of CAPN1, CAST and LEP genes of brahman bulls in cattle farms on colombian tropical lowlands


  • Luis Ernesto López Rojas Universidad CES - Universidad Nacional
  • Laura Patiño-Cadavid Universidad CES
  • Albeiro López Herrera Universidad CES
  • José Julián Echeverri Zuluaga Universidad CES



The CAPN1 and CAST genes encodes μ-calpain and calpastatin, both genesparticipate on degradation of muscle fibers after rigor mortis; in additionthe LEP gene codes for leptin, which regulates the fat deposition in muscle.These genes shows SNPs related to tenderness and juiciness of meatand productive characteristics of the carcass. In order to know the geneticpotential of Brahman cattle the CAPN316, CAPN4751, CAST282, CAST2959,E2FB and E2JW SNPs were genotyped by PCR-HRM in 270 Brahman malesfrom four different geographical areas, also the study of differentiation ofpopulation structure was made.There was no difference (p> 0.05) in genotype and allele frequencies ofthese markers between subpopulations, the genotypic frequencies in thegeneral population were: CAPN316 (CG = 0.078, GG = 0.922), CAPN4751(CC = 0.289, CT = 0.104, TT = 0.606), CAST282 (CC = 0.285, CG = 0.448,GG = 0.267), CAST2959 (AA = 0.400, AG = 0.370, GG = 0.230), E2FB (CC =0.633, CT = 0.356, TT = 0.011) and E2JW (AA = 0.985, AT = 0.010, TT = 0.004).The CAPN316, CAST282 and E2JW markers were found in HWE (p> 0.05),while CAPN4751 and CAST2959 showed Ho < He and in E2FB Ho > He. TheF statistics values were: FIS = 0.153, FIT = 0.157 and FST = 0.005.Was conclude that the Brahman herds studied present a slight degree ofinbreeding and constitute a single population; all markers evaluated arepolymorphic, except for E2JW, however the production of more tender andjuicy meats could be possible, because the associated alleles with this characteristicswere founds although in low frequencies.


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How to Cite

López Rojas, L. E., Patiño-Cadavid, L., López Herrera, A., & Echeverri Zuluaga, J. J. (2017). Genetic variability in six SNPs of CAPN1, CAST and LEP genes of brahman bulls in cattle farms on colombian tropical lowlands. CES Medicina Veterinaria Y Zootecnia, 12(2), 88–102.



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