Efficiency of transabdominal ultrasound examination in aid to early diagnosis of induced right dorsal colitis in horses


  • Bruno Santos Cândido de Andrade Rua Bernardo Torres
  • Fabiane Cassou Curitiba
  • José Ramón Martinez Aranzales Universidad de Antioquia UdeA
  • Geraldo Eleno Silveira Alves Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais


The Right Dorsal Colitis (CDD) is an enteropathy characterized by wall inflammation and edema and ulceration of the mucosa of the right dorsal colon in horses. Its occurrence is associated with prolonged use and/or overdoses of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), especially phenylbutazone (FBTZ). Clinical abnormalities include anorexia, colic, hypoproteinemia, neutropenia, endotoxemia, diarrhea and weight loss. The ultrasound examination (EUS) is important in the diagnosis of abdominal abnormalities. Aiming to evaluate the efficiency of EUS in the early diagnosis of CDD, EUS were performed regularly in five horses (C1-C5) underwent protocol of induction experimental colitis. Five images per animal were taken on alternate days (D0-D14), between the 11th and 15th intercostal spaces in right side and, in each image, the wall thickness of the right dorsal colon was measured in millimeters (mm) at four different sites. There was no difference between D0 (3.4±0.55mm) and D3 (4.9 ± 1.79 mm), but in D5 (7.17 ± 1.28 mm), D7 (7.00 ± 1.68 mm) and D9 (6.71 ± 2.27 mm), there was significant increase in colon wall thickness in relation to D0 and D3 (p≤0.05). Since the onset of relevant clinical signs, such as diarrhea was evident in all animals only in D9, it was concluded that ultrasonography of the right dorsal colon is sensitive method as early diagnosis of CDD.


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Author Biographies

Bruno Santos Cândido de Andrade, Rua Bernardo Torres

Faculdade de Vértice

Fabiane Cassou, Curitiba

Veterinaria autónoma

José Ramón Martinez Aranzales, Universidad de Antioquia UdeA

Grupo de InvestigaciónCENTAURO, Línea deInvestigación LIMCE, Escuelade Medicina Veterinaria,Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias.

Geraldo Eleno Silveira Alves, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais

Departamento de Clínica eCirurgias Veterinárias, Escolade Veterinária,


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How to Cite

Cândido de Andrade, B. S., Cassou, F., Martinez Aranzales, J. R., & Silveira Alves, G. E. (2016). Efficiency of transabdominal ultrasound examination in aid to early diagnosis of induced right dorsal colitis in horses. CES Medicina Veterinaria Y Zootecnia, 11(2), 51–60. Retrieved from https://revistas.ces.edu.co/index.php/mvz/article/view/3961



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