Ignorance of the precedent: Defect derived from the inadequate scriptural production of some sentences?


  • Juliana Pérez Zapata Universidad Católica de Oriente
  • Mauricio Guzmán Durán Universidad Católica de Oriente




Judicial precedent, Constitutional Court, legal argumentation, writing production, writ of amparo


While studying law it is common to find extensive, confusing, redundant and highly conceptual judgements on a particular case, characteristics that usually make difficult for the reader to understand which are the arguments that it defends. This problem directly affects the justice administration in Colombia, when the scriptural and argumentative content of the judgment shows a failure in its structural form that impacts indirectly in the rest of the jurisprudence. This article presents the findings of an investigation around an in-depth analysis of the Constitutional Court judgements that established a precedent between 2005 and 2021, and has the purpose to explain how the wording of these decisions affects first-hand the application or ignorance of the ratio decidendi by other judges while they made their rule.


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Author Biographies

Juliana Pérez Zapata, Universidad Católica de Oriente

Abogados de la Universidad Católica de Oriente - Colombia.

Mauricio Guzmán Durán, Universidad Católica de Oriente

Abogados de la Universidad Católica de Oriente - Colombia.


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How to Cite

Pérez Zapata, J., & Guzmán Durán, M. (2023). Ignorance of the precedent: Defect derived from the inadequate scriptural production of some sentences?. CES Derecho, 14(3), 126–143. https://doi.org/10.21615/cesder.7395



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