Genetic information and the right to privacy


  • María Luisa De Torres Soto Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio



It is clear that due to the advancement of technology and medicine, newfields are opened with which the right to privacy and private life must berelated. This importance arises due to the appearance of new facts thatare considered illegitimate intrusions, specifically, in relation to the geneticdata of people. Both the European Court of Human Rights and our ConstitutionalCourt have established a doctrine that sets the basis for futureactions. The purpose of this paper is to systematize and deepen the legalproblems that may arise around the information provided by said geneticdata in light of the most recent jurisprudence in this regard, as well as tocollect the new European regulation on the protection of personal data thatcame into force on May 25, 2018.


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How to Cite

De Torres Soto, M. L. (2019). Genetic information and the right to privacy. CES Derecho, 9(2), 208–236.



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